Skin care treatment, tips and advice When it comes to skin, the most important element is how you take care of it gently. Skin is the most sensitive organ of human’s body and eventually it covers our whole body part. A massive population of this world feels relaxed or satisfied just taking care of their face skin as it is true that the face is more important except any other part o our body. We need extra care and attention but ignoring the skin of other body parts is not justified. Hence if a person really love his or herself he might take care of his whole body skin which particularly includes hands, feet, and hairs. In the era where glamour and beauty means a lot it basically depends on an individual that how would they treat and take care of their skin. Just by approaching few tips one can easily take care of their skin and make it glowing and glorious. Facial skin requires an extra care. Hence it is proven that most of the skin problems are related to f...
How to get rid of acne
Countless factors are there which
might cause acne. For example oily skin, dead cells, emotional and physical
stress, hormonal changes, bacteria etc. Almost majority of the people with oily
skin suffers acne so it’s common and to get over it is not a big deal.
Reason of acne
Oily and spicy
Constantly touching your face
Using products
that have excess amount of elements which clog you pores.
Scrubbing your
skin too hard.
Preventing acne through healthy diet
Acne can also prevented by improving
your diet. Following foods can help you to maintain healthy skin condition.
WATER purifies
the skin. Allow your body and skin to be hydrated.
VITAMIN E protects
skin against acne. Using Nuts and leafy green vegetable prevent acne.
ANTIOXIDANTS helps to stop radicals that can cause skin
damage. It includes Green tea, Spanish, berries.
MAGNESIUM stabilize
the acne inducing hormones. Having figs, brown rice, artichokes in your diet would be beneficial.
Homemade Mask for Removing Acne tips
Popping out your acne harms your skin
so we bring for you the best acne treatment that
you can try at home and get over acne problems instantly.
Aloe Vera Gel with
Mix Aloe Vera gel
and lemon juice with little water and freeze in an ice-cube tray and rub your
skin with these ice cubes until they melt away.
Baking soda with lemon
In a bowl add two
tablespoon of baking soda and 1 table spoon of lemon juice mix it well to make
a paste. Wash your face before apply this paste and dry it. Then apply the
paste and leave it to dry. Wash your face with warm water. Don’t let the baking
soda for longer period of time and it might cause irritation on your skin or
makes your skin dry.
Acne treatment with baking soda
· Baking soda is
beneficial for removing dead skin cells. It’s one of the simple and powerful solution
to get rid of acne. It helps to reduce redness and swelling of acne. Hence it
can be used alone as well as can be mixed with other natural ingredients that
you can easily found in your kitchen.
soda for exfoliating
· Baking soda itself works as an exfoliator. Take a small amount of baking soda in your hands and few drops of water and rub it on your skin gently for 5 minutes in circular motion. Risen your face with water. As baking soda leave your skin dry apply so rose water that will moisturize your skin.
Honey and
Cinnamon Mask
· Honey and
cinnamon face mask are beneficial to treat acne. Mix 2 tsp honey with 1 tsp of
cinnamon powder, apply all over face leave on for 30 minutes.
Raw honey and baking soda
· This
is a great mask for acne prone skin. It dries out the acne and clears
the scars as well. Removes excess oil, exfoliates, removes dead skin and balances
skin ph. For this you just have to take a clean bowl add one table of baking
soda and honey stir them well and apply it for 10 minutes. Wash your face with
mild soap and dry it out.
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